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Employee Commitment

Our Commitment to Employee Development

Easton is committed to the belief that every individual and every organization must undergo a process of continuous learning. The firm views itself as an experiment in progress. The partners expect consultants to contribute to the development of the practice. The weekly staff meetings provide a forum for new ideas regarding the practice’s internal structure and future strategies. Easton welcomes, encourages, and, in fact, insists on contributions from its consulting staff to enhance the practice.

Opportunities for Personal and Professional Growth

Placing a premium on learning, Easton’s partners play an active role in staff training and development. Our associates and research associates receive a comprehensive review after each project and the partners help guide their individual development efforts. To be successful, our team-oriented approach, both in managing itself and its projects, must rely on the contributions of all professionals.

We are deeply committed to the professional development of our consultants. Rather than trying to fit every individual into the “corporate mold,” we attempt to fit the position to the strengths of the individual. Consultants are asked to make immediate contributions. Opportunities at Easton are based solely upon consultants’ merits, not their seniority.

Easton is looking for exceptional people who have looked critically at themselves and believe themselves capable of exceptional work.

Opportunities to Direct Corporate Development

Easton’s employees and its internal structure reflect the character that continues to drive Easton’s growth. Easton Consultants is entrepreneurial, dynamic, and dedicated to finding creative solutions that lead to practical results.

Our practice is defined and redefined by the ideas, insights, and efforts of our consultants. At Easton, every consultant has the opportunity to make an immediate and significant impact for themselves, for the practice, and for our clients.

Easton Consultants offers a unique opportunity to people who wish to challenge themselves, solve complex business problems, and help direct the growth and development of an evolving firm.

Copyright © 2003,
Easton Consultants. All rights reserved.

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