Typical Engagements
Business Strategy Development: Designing strategies and action programs to improve competitive performance and profitability.
Acquisition Evaluation: Helping clients plan and implement acquisition programs including searching for and screening acquisition candidates, evaluating prospects, making initial contact with companies, conducting due diligence and creating plans for acquisition implementation and integration.
Product, Market and Industry Analysis: Analyzing and projecting long-term market, technological, and competitive trends that will shape the future profitability for specific products, industries and businesses.
Competitive Analysis: Evaluating competitors in terms of the Sources of Comparative Advantage, market positions, business systems, strategies and available resources to identify competitive vulnerabilities, opportunities, and influence on strategy options.
New Business Development: Evaluating opportunities to expand the scope of the business through new products and services, new markets, new technologies, new or revised business systems, joint ventures or acquisitions.
Strategy Audits: Evaluating current competitive strategies, programs, and activities to identify opportunities for improved performance.
While Easton Consultants works with clients in most industrial and service industries (see the list of representative clients), we have specialized in corporate and business unit strategy, financial and information services, strategy oversight services for corporate boards, and electronic commerce.
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Easton Consultants. All rights reserved.
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